Posts tagged puppy
A Happy Dog Starts With Tooth Brushing

Home dental care is one of the best ways to help keep your dog's teeth and gums healthy. Start as early as possible so he/she will become accustomed to the brushing process. Consistent tooth brushing helps to prevent gum disease and other oral issues that can ultimately result in damage to your dog’s liver, heart, and other vital organs.

Dog owners spend a lot of money to get a high quality dog bed and top notch dog food. But often can forget about brushing their dogs teeth. Teeth cleaning can be easily overlooked. If you’re not sure how to brush your dog’s teeth, and you haven’t started a routine yet, you can start today!

According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, over 80% of dogs have some kind of dental issue by age 3.


Selecting a Toothbrush

The first step to having those nice pearly whites is finding the perfect canine toothbrush. Dog toothbrushes are similar to human toothbrushes, but are smaller and have softer bristles. Another option? A finger toothbrush, which fits over your finger and makes cleaning those hard-to-reach areas much easier to clean.

Selecting a Toothpaste

Never use human toothpaste. Why? Human toothpaste contains fluoride, which is extremely toxic to dogs. Find a pet-friendly toothpaste they have all sorts of flavors like poultry or peanut butter. 

How to brush your dogs teeth?

  1. Make sure you're in a spot where your dog is comfortable. Don't stand above your dog, hold him/her down, or take a threatening stance. Instead, try kneeling or sitting in front of or to the side of him/her. Gauge your dog's anxiety level. If it’s too upset, stop, and try again later. Be sure to keep this a positive experience!

  2. Rub your finger on the upper gums and teeth. This will help the dog get used to the feel of something against its teeth. Make sure to use light pressure.

  3. Put some dog toothpaste on your fingertip. Let your dog lick the toothpaste from your fingertip so that it can get used to the taste and texture.

  4. When the dog seems ready, start using the toothpaste and toothbrush together. Lift the dogs upper lip. As you approach its teeth with the tooth brush, angle the bristles so they reach the gum line. Placing them at a angle will help the bristles massage the gum line and clear away plaque.

  5. Brush in small circles, be sure to get the top and bottom on each side. As you move the bristles along the gum line, some light bleeding may occur. Slight bleeding every so often is OK. But ongoing or heavy bleeding may be the reason you’re brushing too aggressively or it may be a sign of gum disease. Speak with your vet for advice if this happens.

  6. When you're finished brushing your dog's teeth, reward it with a treat or affection. Certain chews can also help you fight plaque buildup.

Decluttering Dog Supplies & Toys

Bring on the new year with a new way of organizing your dog items!! Dog lovers know first hand how toys and dog accessories can go from neatly organized to a disaster, like a bomb just went off in your home.

We’ve included some tips and tricks to help you contain the clutter, whether it’s your endless leash collection or your dog’s favorite toys.

How to get organized:

Choose one designated space. When you get a dog, you don’t realize all the extra ‘stuff’ that you accumulate over time. We love this organize bin—it’s the perfect size for storing brushes, shampoo, comb, balls, and bones.

Store toys in a decorative basket. If you don’t have a toy bin for your dog’s toys, you need one. NOW. It has been a lifesaver in our house. If you have had a dog for any length of time, you know that the number of toys for them quickly adds up. An efficient thing that we have found is to collect all the toys and put them in a large storage basket. We keep a decorative basket in our living area that holds all of our dog toys. It is so convenient for our dogs to grab as well as convenient for us as we clean up.

Put food and treats in a container. We use these food storage containers to store all of our dogs goodies in. Not only do these keep food and treats fresh longer, but also reduces the amount of space a bulky pet food bag takes up. Another feature that we love about this container are the wheels, it makes it so easy to move so you can clean around it. As a bonus, these adorable chalk labels make it easy to identify exactly what is in each container.

Create a dog walking station. In the mudroom or garage is the best location for leashes, harnesses, walking treats, and poop bags. It is nice having everything there and ready to go so you can walk out the door and not forget anything (like the poop bags).

Print out vet records and keep them in a binder. Click here to download a free printable pet information and vet record. Not only are these printable vet records helpful for you, they also come in handy for pet sitters. It’s always a good idea to have emergency contact information handy for whoever is watching your dog.

Via Kikki.K

Do you have any tips for organizing pet supplies? We would love to hear!